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Faith Life

Since 1905, the people of Trinity Lutheran Church have gathered together in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho at the Lord's table to share in One Heavenly Food. We rejoice every day in the love of Jesus Christ and the grace of our Father in Heaven. Join us as we share in God's love... in song and promise, growth and celebration as we journey through our second centennial.

I am the way,

and the truth,

and the life.

John 14:6
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Worship With Us

We worship together Sunday Mornings at 9:00 am and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. All services center around the Lord's table and Holy Communion. 


We follow the ELCA Book of Worship and use the Revised Common Lectionary Readings each Sunday. 

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Adult Learning

Faith formation is an on-going process at Trinity.

Our adult learning opportunities include:


  • Adult Study - Sunday morning at 10:15 am

  • Men's Prayer Group and Bible Study - Saturdays at 7:30 am Study the Bible texts for Sunday each week. Enjoy breakfast, too, on the first Saturday of the month

  • Women's Circle Potluck Lunch and Study - 3rd Tuesdays at 12:00 pm​


All adult learning groups are on a drop-in basis. Come and give one a try. If you like it, come back!​



  • We gather on Sunday mornings following the worship service for coffee and conversation.

Connect with
us on Facebook.

  • Subscribe for up-to-date activities in our community.

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Worship Team

Join our choir or attend a concert in our sanctuary.

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